
Bracelet with pulse oximeter and call button


Service for monitoring the movement and health of people
in conditions of quarantine or self-isolation regime


At any time, a doctor or an authorized person looks at the location of the observed person, his movement history and his state of health on his tablet or computer


Critical values for pulse or oxygen in the blood, pressing the SOS call button and removing the bracelet from the hand initiate an immediate notification to doctors (observers).


When an observed person enters and leaves geofences (apartment, house, building, hospital area, district), observers receive instant notification through the application.


The observer can watch the routes of movement of the observed person for any selected period of time.


Service use cases:

  • as a family diagnosis, for measuring oxygen saturation and monitoring health, for taking care of loved ones who are in self-isolation;
  • in healthcare facilities (hospitals, hospitals) providing medical care to patients with a confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus infection COVID-19 or suspected of coronavirus infection COVID-19;
  • bodies and services of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, chemical, biological, radiation safety, including the service for ensuring sanitary and epidemiological welfare, the task of which is to slow the spread of infection, prevent a sharp increase in the number of cases, protect risk groups, especially the older generation;
  • State, municipal structures responsible for compliance with the regime of self-isolation or quarantine;
  • enterprises and organizations engaged in labor activities in self-isolation or quarantine;
  • enterprises where there are areas of increased danger for employees (for example, during oil and gas production, in chemical industries, at railway stations, in enterprises operating in severe climatic conditions, etc.).

The project is currently at the prototype stage, the project team will attract
investments and pre-orders to start production.
Contacts for potential partners:, tel. +79192897000.